Atlas Implementation

DOHA web application user interface design which consists of the map view and a sidebar. The map view relates to the spatial context. The sidebar allows to toggle on and off the layers. User can interact with the features to access more information in a info window.

Basemaps and Historical Overlays

DOHA currently contains georeferenced aerial imagery from 1947, 1952 and 1959 and recontructed map depicting city in 1956. The map is a results of painstaking digitization process of original surveys conducted in the past. As the result progress more stages of city development will be presented in a similar manner. The web application allows user to overlay historical images on modern maps, such that the historical image can be compared with the present day.

Old Photography and Videos

DOHA gives access to numbers of geotagged Historical Photos, Video Records and Aerial Oblique Imagery. Viewing historical imagery supports learning and research. It also helps 'to understand, connect to or imagine experiences that were otherwise remote, either spatially or temporally’ (Chew et al., 2010, 80).

Archaeological Events

The result of excavations and survey carried out by the project has been represented by Archaeological Sites and Historic Buildings Recording events. When the event is selected, the info- window appears with additional information including a site report, site gallery (from flickr feed) and site drawings.

Citizen Science DOHA engage with genral public by integrating Wikipedia georeferenced articles and Crowdmap.

Wikipedia events are dynamically loaded from web service. Therefore, any changes made to the article are automatically reflected in the application. The aim is to encurage general public to use Wikipedia as a one of the platforms to enhance Doha application.

Crowdmap this is an open-source platform designed by Ushahidi team. This is a robust platform originally designed to crowdsource crisis information. Users can share media and information on places and histories in Doha. Crowdmaps provides tools and workflow to verify, approve and publish submitted reports. The reports once approved by the project team will be integrated with main DOHA application.

Spatial Analysis

DOHA has delpoyed Turf.js JavaScript library which brings spatial analysis to the browser. Turf.js allows to perform common GIS operations such buffer, clipping or calculating distance.

Currently the following spatial analysis are visualized:

  • calculate the area of a polygon - Doha's districts and population growth
  • nearest neighbour analysis - finding nearest mosque
  • wells density analysis (hexbinning) - visualization of wells around Doha